Find a Yoga Teacher, You'll Find Your Path
Find a Yoga Teacher, You'll Find Your Path
In the "Experts About Yoga" series, we publish with great pleasure the text of the yogi Łukasz Łukasz. This is the first of his two texts. Today, Łukasz shares with us his deep reflection on how to find his path in yoga and what role the yoga teacher plays in the whole journey. Very personal text - we highly recommend it.
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yoga teacher
I'll start with the truism. Yoga practice is not easy. It requires consistency, dedication, trust and willingness. It happens that the desire is not lacking, but when it comes to action, the initial enthusiasm quickly goes out.
Signing up for regular classes can be a challenge for many people. Requires a departure from habits and change habits as well as a set order of the day. The process of changing habits can be treated as a practice in itself ☺ Once you have completed this step, the practitioner standing on the mat quickly realizes his strengths and weaknesses. The temptation to focus mainly on what comes easily is great. However, it is worth to face your weaknesses and work on them from the beginning of the practice. In an intelligent way.
It's good to find a good teacher
One who devoted several years to practice, made several mistakes along the way and drew conclusions from them. A teacher who is aware that there is no good method for everyone. There is no perfect positioning of the body, no perfect sequence, no perfect breathing rate.
Why do we need a teacher?
First of all, many yoga practitioners need inspiration and encouragement to practice, stand on the mat and start warming up. New challenges are waiting at every step - overcoming them for some can be motivating, for others discouraging. Above all, however, a good teacher can help us save time and avoid some of the mistakes he made on his own path.
However, we must remember that each of us has his own path and it is not worth attaching to the method. It may happen that over the years you change the approach to the practice and its role in your life several times, change the school and the teacher.
I have changed my practice several times.I started with Iyengar yoga. After some time, I discovered Ashtanga Yoga, which became my daily practice for four years, but at some point I began to feel bad after it. I began to modify the practice, look for information in available sources.
Finally, I came across the wonderful teacher Simon Borg-Oliver and through him to his teacher, Master Zhen Hua Yang. Although, due to geographical conditions, I spend a very short period with them during the year, it is their teachings that determine the direction that my practice has taken.
Energy Path
For today I am interested in postural practice to improve the flow of energy in the body. I would add that I understand this energy very literally .
When I talk about energy, I mean mainly thermal energy generated by muscles during activity. prana, for my needs, I define as a subtle life energy, which in the human body manifests as a flow of energy (thermal energy generated by the work of muscles, energy generated by enzymatic reactions, electrochemical energy and energy absorbed by the body, e.g. solar energy), matter ( molecules (such as sugars or ATP, which transfer energy) and information (flow of genetic material, neuro and immunotransmitters, and hormones in the body).
On a more subtle plan, the flow of prana can be understood as the flow of chitta (consciousness) through the body.
In addition, both teachers taught me one more thing - respect for their body and practical translation of yoga principles into everyday practice, for which I am both grateful to them.
I wish you to find your teacher and your path too.
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