Frustration and anger after yoga practice - Yoga Teacher Training India

Frustration and anger after yoga practice. Does this mean - Yoga Teacher Training India

For some time I have been feeling angry after yoga practice. Added to this is frustration.

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Hi. For some time I have been feeling angry after yoga practice. Added to this is frustration. If everything works out, I feel good, but when asana causes me problems, I have a lot of negative emotions and I don't know why. I will be grateful for your response.

Your frustration is probably caused by your ego and the lack of acceptance of the fact that you are not able to do everything as you assumed.

You are aware of this, but your emotions accumulate and transform into a state of anger.

Releasing emotions is even a natural state during practice, which is why frustration can appear even when all asanas are going great for you!

Transformation of bad emotions

Calming down the ego is not a simple task, you need perseverance and constantly remembering the purpose of your practice.

You can't afford to fall into the ego's trap and hurt yourself in the name of doing some asana that you absolutely want to do perfectly.

Stretching the body to the limit and treating it objectively, without listening to its needs - is not the right direction for practice.

Observe your body and emotions throughout your activity.

Maybe it's worth changing your yoga style?

If the asanas you do are too difficult or too demanding, start doing the ones that make you happy.

It's important that you don't give up when you're on the right track. Everything does not always have to go straight away.

With every fall and unsuccessful attempt, just smile.

A favourable space for practice

An important factor that affects our complacency with practice, and what most people forget is the place of yoga practice.

Conditions are key, and the more distracting the worse.

Our thoughts themselves are so absorbing that they can distract us from focusing on the practice itself.

For more sensitive people, this is of paramount importance - without peace, they are unable to focus enough or deeply relax.

Anger after yoga practice is a signal from the body

Also, pay attention to what signals your body sends.

All negative emotions and stress accumulate in our hips, which is why working on opening them is so important.

Here, your body build becomes an important determinant on which results can depend.

If you do not feel any improvement, it means that the practice with the hips is not for you and you need to look for another area in the body that is worth working on satisfactorily.

Try to approach your practice with complete composure and calmness.

Accept that you are not able to do everything at once, try to enjoy the practice and derive as many positive emotions as possible from it.

Get in Touch: YTTI, Tapovan Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, 249201, India +91-9319065118

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